Unless you are one of the friends/family members that I’ve been forcing Asian inspired food upon, you probably weren’t even aware that I had been slaving away in the kitchen for weeks to get these gorgeous recipes to you. So kind of me, I know. However, I knew that the garlic stinking and the chilli burning hands would be worth enduring to provide my beautiful readers with some food inspiration and tasty recipes.
The Hungry Herbivores Asian Inspired Vegan eBook is totally free, and to receive it, simply subscribe to my mailing list. Don’t worry, you’re not selling your soul to the vegan devil, I email you every now and then to update you on new posts and recipes. Spam free!
Why have I made this eBook free of charge? Well, first off, I’ve always dreamed of having my own cookbook. eBook’s are the first logical step towards this dream. Having a project on the go makes me a very happy lady, since I can channel my creative juices into something I love (FOOD!) Since I know all my readers are avid foodies too, why not create something for the masses! Asian Inspired Vegan has allowed me to combine my imagination, cookery, graphics and photography skills in one impressive looking digital book. The eBook was a great way of learning about making cookbooks completely independently, which will ultimately help me in making another even better eBook in the future!
Although the eBook took a great deal of time to formulate, I wanted to give something back to YOU! Without my readers, it would be very difficult to continue doing what I love. Let me make it clear that I don’t reap any financial benefits from my readership (as of yet), the support and engagement in my posts are a huge boost to my confidence in what i’m doing, ultimately inspiring me to create more and more!
Enough about me though. Let us talk about the food that we’re all here for anyway…
There are 12 Asian inspired recipes in the eBook, including the likes of: Garlic & Miso Sweetcorn, Masala Chickpeas & Spinach Pancakes, Tarka Dhal Sloppy Joes and Homemade Pocky! These sweet and savoury recipes are all perfect for simple, fuss-free everyday cooking that are definitely dinner party worthy too! Whether Indian, Thai, Japanese, etc etc is your favourite Asian cuisine, there is something in here for everyone. This recipe isn’t about merely bringing vegan recipes from different parts of Asia to you, it’s about taking inspiration from the food culture and translating it into something new that everyone can incorporate into their everyday meals.
Asian food is by far my favourite cuisine. Generally, it is super easy to create and packs a punch of flavour using minimal ingredients, which I have tried to translate into these eBook recipes. It’s magic that these simple recipes can look and taste so delicious.
In terms of foreign ingredients, you should be able to find most of the ingredients used in the supermarket, there isn’t anything that uncommon, since I’ve kept it low-cost and simple. If you are struggling with getting hold of anything, try the Asian supermarkets/shops, once you get knees deep, you realise what a haven for foodies it is!
Of course all of these recipes are vegan, many are gluten-free, some are raw!
Asian Inspired Vegan up your street? Don’t forget to subscribe to the emails to receive these 12 yummy recipes! Any further questions can be asked in the comment section below, or emailed to me at thehungryherbivores@gmail.com