My 21st birthday has just passed, which called for a holiday of course. I set of to Prague for 4 days, hearing it’s a great place to visit (plus the flights were super cheap). I was expecting beautiful cobbled streets, history, museums and encountering many stag do’s and I was not disappointed there. I didn’t however expect a vast range of vegan / vegetarian restaurants, it was a lovely surprise to say the least.
I am generally quite unlucky when it comes to finding vegan restaurants, eg walking around blistering heat in Seville finding a great selection of vegan restaurants… which were all closed for summer. If you’ve ever experienced that feeling of excitement of food followed by that very distressing disappointment, hopefully you will sympathise that this happens to me CONSTANTLY. Therefore, it is a bloody miracle that I managed to compile 5 amazing vegan spots in Prague. I obviously had a lucky charm on the counteract my bad luck, I don’t know.
The traditional food in Prague seemed to be pigs skewered anus to mouth and roasted over fire, meat in many forms like schnitzels and stews and dumplings and open toasts topped with MEAT. What is the obsession guys?! A little concerned about the lack of food I could eat, the discovery of this blooming vegan scene was welcomed with open arms. Here are some of those tasty, life saving food spots!
Vegan’s Prague is situated close to the tourist attraction Prague Castle, so definitely hit this place up after you’ve done your exploring round the historic land mark and the hilly cobbled streets. Lead up the stairs and be rewarded by the gorgeous detailed décor and little terrace sitting space. Vegan’s Prague was definitely the fanciest meal we had in Prague. The menu had a great selection of vegan/raw/gluten-free options and was the first place we visited with traditional Prague food on offer (veganized of course). The picture on the left is a veganized Svíčková, which uses tempeh instead of meat and is highly recommended by me! Take a look at their website and go and fill up your bellies with great vegan nosh.
3. Moment:
If you’re sucker for a burger, this is your place. I loved the vibe of this indie/punk café off the beaten track and more importantly I loved their food. Only regret is that I didn’t eat more. I took two meat eaters here and they loved it – enough said. That delicious thing above is the seitan and cheese bagel, which is one of the many options on there mouth-watering menu. Top choice for breakfast and lunch in Prague i’d say! Check it out
3. Clear Head:
Clear Head or Lehka Hlava in Czech. The décor of this place literally made me do a little dance of joy, it was so pretty. I couldn’t help but include that image above of the ceiling, which I took a slow exposure of. It was like sitting under the stars eating REALLY good vegan food. The restaurant was filled to the brim with locals, always a good sign!
The menu is fully vegetarian with tonnes of vegan options to choose from, plus an awesome drinks menu to go along side. Again this one was tucked away down a side street, so make sure you have a map at hand!
4. Secret of Raw :
This is the one i’m most excited about. Firstly because cake. Secondly because it was directly below the apartment we were staying in, if it wasn’t for that I probably wouldn’t have discovered this delightful raw café. The café is directed towards the Czech community as you can see by their website, however don’t let that put you off, the staff were very welcoming and the food is a must-try. This was just a cake stop for my sweet tooth, but they also do breakfasts.
Close to here there is also (another) Loving Hut and a independent almost vegan health foods shop. Yum.
5. Choco-story Chocolate Museum:
Couldn’t help slipping in a chocolate recommendation at the end. This one is just for snacking! In the centre there are millions of museums, yet this one has a great selection of chocolate that comes with it! There are many dark chocolates here that are vegan by default and have a variety of flavours (this one is strawberry and pistachio). It was eaten while walking the streets, but I guess most people would take these home as a holiday gift. Not me.
And that’s my top 5! There are tonnes of vegan places in Prague and i’d love to hear if you have any recommendations yourself!
How come my favourite vegan bloggers are all coming to my hometown this year??
I’m glad you enjoyed your stay AND your food! You should come back for more sometime
Aw!! because its amazing for vegan fiid maybe!? thanks so much lucie