Readers of The Hungry Herbivores, meet my Mediterranean sunshine lady, Amor. She has become a key part of my day-to-day life, therefore it seemed fit to combine our love food into a subsection of The Hungry Herbivores vegan food blog! This gorgeous Spanish angel is a fellow co-operative member at Wild Thyme Wholefoods; we like to get creative, schedule fun dates, mastermind future events, consume lots of cacao and eat hell of a lot of food!
One morning, our tummies were rumbling. Breakfast was essential within the next 30 minutes. Luckily for us, we were in the very close proximity of our favourite Portsmouth food spot – you guessed it: Southsea Coffee!
Southsea Coffee is a beautiful cafe on Osborne Road in Southsea, which is extremely popular with the veggies, vegans and healthy food lovers. Southsea is blessed to have such a creative food space with innovative ideas. Their menu often changes with the season, keeping things fresh and allowing the likes of me and Amor to try new, exciting plant-based flavours. Since I hadn’t tried anything from the new menu, when my breakfast was calling; it would have been rude not to go and indulge my cravings. I was sold by the Dehydrated corn fritters, chilli jam, kohlrabi & daikon and Amor by the Almond granola, raspberry, white chocolate, passion fruit with homemade almond mylk. Neither of us were disappointed.
I love the passion that goes into the food in this joint. It’s really important to me to focus on the ingredients of a meal, to use good quality, tasty plant-based ingredients that combine together harmoniously. Money is better spent in place where love goes into your food, than somewhere that serves a barely passable dish filled with ingredients that shouldn’t really be going into your body.
Southsea Coffee was one of my key influencers in turning vegan. I already had a keen interest in Veganism and happened to bumble through the door for the first time during a week long vegan challenge. I was so excited with the selection and that there was this option in Portsmouth. I was already delving into raw cake and had begun learning the basics, so seeing that there was a great selection of raw cakes at the counter enthralled me further! Almost four years ago my eyes were opened to this beautiful spot – I was bubbling and blabbing about raw cake to Tara (the raw cake mastermind), she must have thought me crazy. Not far wrong…
Through the years of being a customer there, I have seen it unfold new avenues and develop into the established cafe it is today!
Portsmouth doesn’t have a great vegan scene in comparison with Brighton or London. Southsea Coffee is predominantly vegan, but Southsea also has Wild Thyme (of course) and Simply Wholesome, which are both entirely vegan. Since veganism has dramatically grown within the last 6 months, there has been a sharp increase in options around the city. I’d say these three are the ones to check out first though!
Keep your searches independent and support the amazing work they are doing… plus it tastes better!
Back to the belly though… I could have stopped at my delicious Corn Fritters, but i’m only human. I mean those cakes that Ginger and Peach have lined up at the counter were just staring at me. Being a huge sucker for Raw cake – the lemon cheesecake just feel into my mouth. ops. Don’t forget the cake when you come here (it’s the most important bit!)
Get on down there and tell me what you think of the place! It won’t disappoint!