Gluten-free Banana Bread

The idea of banana bread makes me salivate. It is food fit for gods. But what if that god had a gluten intolerance? What if the goddess has vowed no to consume any animal products? Fear not holy beings, I have just the thing. Here at The Hungry Herbivores, I try not to exclude anyone […]
Maca & Cacao Nice Cream

I’m ready to share my favourite nice cream recipe. If you haven’t made nice cream by now, you need to. All it really is, is Frozen Bananas. It’s the healthiest form of ‘ice-cream’ you can eat, and it’s incredible. So this means, nice cream is totally acceptable for breakfast. When I’m feeling a bit down, […]
Banana & Blueberry Crumble Muffins

I love a good muffin. Especially banana. However, gluten-free muffins can end up being.. well.. “special” to say the least. I’ve made many a rubber muffin in the past. I was therefore not expecting much from these, considering I was experimenting with my own flour blends too! Since I’ve posted a recipe, you can guess […]