Homemade Coconut Milk (& Package free living)

I’m so pleased to see a true awareness of plastic waste immerging and more importantly, peoples actions towards being more eco friendly and reducing the amount of unnecessary plastics there are using. Along with many other, I’m slowly taking steps towards a zero waste kitchen. Changes are being made to The Hungry Herbivores kitchen little […]
Rainbow Superfood Nut Milks

This post is sponsored by Vitamix. Let’s just admire how beautiful these rainbow superfood nut milks look. I’m a pastel kind of lady, so this is as aesthetically pleasing as it gets from me. Since unicorn-themed food has become so popular over the last few months, I used this as an excuse to play around […]
Blueberry & Lime Slushy

As a kid, I was obsessed with Slush Puppies. That vibrant blue, artificially sweet cup of ice was a highlight in my eyes and a definite spike in my energy levels. However, parents should know by now that feeding your kids a load of E numbers isn’t the way forward, so why not try a […]
Hibiscus & Rose Cordial

So we’ve got some more pink stuff… Valentines justifies our passion for naturally coloured food. We’ve already created a vibrant pink Beet & Dill Linguine we are totally in love with and now we’ve coloured our beverage with the deep colour of hibiscus. We realise you’re kitchen schedule will be busy on valentines, but you can make this far […]