Blueberry & Lime Slushy

As a kid, I was obsessed with Slush Puppies. That vibrant blue, artificially sweet cup of ice was a highlight in my eyes and a definite spike in my energy levels. However, parents should know by now that feeding your kids a load of E numbers isn’t the way forward, so why not try a […]
Blueberry & Lime Chia Jam

If you watched our How To: Raw Chia Jam video, or checked out the post, then you’ll know how easy it is. Hopefully you tried it out if you haven’t made chia jam before. Not only is it easy and quicker than regular jam, but it’s healthier with considerably less sugar (and can even be sugar […]
Banana & Blueberry Crumble Muffins

I love a good muffin. Especially banana. However, gluten-free muffins can end up being.. well.. “special” to say the least. I’ve made many a rubber muffin in the past. I was therefore not expecting much from these, considering I was experimenting with my own flour blends too! Since I’ve posted a recipe, you can guess […]