Ginger and Peach Baked Cheesecake

The dessert has arrived! Doesn’t that idea just light up your eyes? Dessert is forever my favourite. My sweet-tooth is out of hand, so there is no wonder i’m excited about this one. Generally the desserts on The Hungry Herbivores are filled with chocolate like this Double Chocolate Silk Pie & Cocoa Crunchy Peanut Butter […]
Carrot Cake Truffles

I can’t begin to explain how happy the sunshine makes me. After horrible spells of freezing, snowy weather, the sun seems to be emerging through the thick clouds and the daffodils are revealing themselves. Spring feels real! Spring is my favourite season for sure. Greenery once again cultivates our land, the flowers are in bloom […]
Wild Food Cafe | London

Like every other Western capital, London is filled with vegan eateries. In fact, even big cities in the likes of Asia are filled with amazing vegan restaurants! Sometimes it’s impossible to pick just one out of this massive selection of incredible, mouth-watering menus. Sometimes is better to just book a hotel so you can fill […]
Vegan Baking Essentials

The idea of baking without eggs, milk and butter perplexes many. My first ever job was in a traditional bakery, where i would be surrounded by trays of eggs. There wasn’t a chance of a vegan cake there! My boss was extremely confused when I first went vegan and started speaking of eggless cakes and […]
Salted Caramel & Dark Chocolate Mousse Tart

Desserts hold a special place in my heart. Although I love creating savoury recipes, you can always tell when I have been testing and trialling the savoury stuff. I’m generally stressed and the kitchen is a complete pigsty. Making sweet stuff comes so much more naturally to me. It’s therapeutic and I feel like I […]
Caramel Sticky Figgy Pudding

Figs are a little like marmite, I think. People seem to love them or hate them. Since I have made a figgy cake for this weeks recipe, I guess you can all draw the conclusion that I love them. Whenever I find them in the shops and fruit markets, I get a bit excited. However, […]
Gluten-free Banana Bread

The idea of banana bread makes me salivate. It is food fit for gods. But what if that god had a gluten intolerance? What if the goddess has vowed no to consume any animal products? Fear not holy beings, I have just the thing. Here at The Hungry Herbivores, I try not to exclude anyone […]
Redcurrant Streusel Cake

Today is the day I combine tow of my favourite things: redcurrants & cake. I usually can manage a gluten-free sponge pretty well, but since I have been creating a lot of raw cakes, I’ve lost my way. This one took me a few attempts before I managed it and this was mainly because […]
Top 5 Vegan Spots in Prague

My 21st birthday has just passed, which called for a holiday of course. I set of to Prague for 4 days, hearing it’s a great place to visit (plus the flights were super cheap). I was expecting beautiful cobbled streets, history, museums and encountering many stag do’s and I was not disappointed there. I didn’t […]
Lemon & Elderflower Tartlet Cakes

Lemon and Elderflower. These cakes feel so British it hurts. I can just imagine sitting down for an afternoon tea and these luscious tartlet cakes been served on one of the cake tiers along with some scones. Just writing about afternoon tea is making me hungry, there’s nothing better than a whole selection of cakes I […]