Leftover Quinoa Indian Pilaf

It’s amazing how quickly the zero waste and plastic free culture has grown within the last few months. Zero waste is a lifestyle that I strive towards and seeing our society taking that challenge by its horns is really beautiful to see. The demand for plastic free produce is growing because of individuals group effort; […]
Vegan 100 Cookbook Review & Chickpea Pizza Recipe

Avant Garde Vegan is one of my favourite Vegan Food Bloggers around at the moment. Gaz Oakley, who is the face of Avant Garde Vegan, creates the most beautiful food I have ever seen – so if you haven’t heard of him, here’s a great place to start. Gaz has taken the nation by storm […]
Homemade Coconut Milk (& Package free living)

I’m so pleased to see a true awareness of plastic waste immerging and more importantly, peoples actions towards being more eco friendly and reducing the amount of unnecessary plastics there are using. Along with many other, I’m slowly taking steps towards a zero waste kitchen. Changes are being made to The Hungry Herbivores kitchen little […]
How To: Use Up Raw Pumpkin Seeds

Ready for a super simple recipe that is essentially, almost free? We’re talking a zero-waste living recipe! It seems like the world has finally woken up and started to make changes about how we living , since our bad habit of waste is drastically affecting the world. New things are immerging each day, with zero-waste […]
Chocolate Chip French Toast Casserole

Although I try to create mostly gluten-free recipes on the blog so that everyone is included, sometimes I just need a good bit of bread. Yes, you can make this Chocolate Chip French Toast Casserole with gluten-free bread, but don’t hold me to the results. The gluten-free bread I’ve tried in the past has been […]