Ginger and Peach Baked Cheesecake

The dessert has arrived! Doesn’t that idea just light up your eyes? Dessert is forever my favourite. My sweet-tooth is out of hand, so there is no wonder i’m excited about this one. Generally the desserts on The Hungry Herbivores are filled with chocolate like this Double Chocolate Silk Pie & Cocoa Crunchy Peanut Butter […]
Double Chocolate Silk Pie

I will find any excuse to make a cake! You would have thought after being a baker for 5 years, then owning my own cake business and am now constantly making cakes at Wild Thyme Wholefoods, that I’d be sick of the sight of it. I guess that’s the sign of a true passion… or […]
Mexican Mango & Black Bean Salad

Two salads in one month? You can tell I’m attempting to be a little healthier this February, or at least balance out the cake binges with something a little more pure and wholesome. Perhaps your body is pining out to be filled with nutritious salad after pancake day towers and Valentines sweet treats? Mine is! […]
Japanese Pink Grapefruit & Fennel Salad

Salad is underappreciated. By me too, more often than not. The Hungry Herbivores has vowed not to adhere to the stereotypical boring, salad-leaf vegan diet, meaning that any salad recipe posted on here HAS to delicious. Salads can be mind blowing with their flavour, with the right ingredients they can challenge any tasty vegan burger […]
Almond Butter & Cranberry Fudge

The Hungry Herbivores is slowly becoming inundated with Christmas and will continue to become even more saturated with chocolate, peppermint & spices. What kind of food blog would I be if that wasn’t the case? Just to top up the christmassy treats like: Chocolate Chip French Toast Casserole & Caramel Sticky Figgy Pudding, I have brought to […]
Blueberry & Lime Slushy

As a kid, I was obsessed with Slush Puppies. That vibrant blue, artificially sweet cup of ice was a highlight in my eyes and a definite spike in my energy levels. However, parents should know by now that feeding your kids a load of E numbers isn’t the way forward, so why not try a […]
3 Ways to Breakfast Oats

Me & Dillon consume so many oats it’s kind of ridiculous. Who can blame us when they’re just so god damn versatile. Dillon has just created A Guide To Oats on our nutrition page, make sure you check it out as there are tonnes of tips and nutritional facts about these magical grains. Our food guides on […]
Passion Fruit Syrup Pancakes

Passion fruit is hands down one of the best fruits in mine and Dillon’s book. I love a little tartness with my fruit, therefore it ticks all the boxes for me. Even if you’re not too into pancakes, try out this syrup, it’s delicious! We incorporated the tangy fruit with zesty lime and sweetness of sugar. Don’t let […]