Caramel Apple Milkshake

This post is sponsored by Vitamix. All opinions expressed are my own. The leaves are starting to turn crimson, falling to the ground and hiding the pavement. The pumpkins, leeks, persimmons, and figs have waited patiently for harvest season, and now it has arrived so they’re on their way to your plates and The Hungry […]
Raw Toffee Apple Cakes

Halloween treat number two! A classic Halloween food with a twist: The toffee apple. Of course, being the herbivores, we have veganized and spruced-up this recipe, creating something new and exciting for your taste buds this Halloween. These Toffee Apples come in form of a cakes, covered by a layer of raw chocolate & raw […]
Raw Carrot Cake Pumpkins

It’s that time already! I’m sure you’ve seen many Halloween recipes that have been circling the web the last few weeks, and now we’re only a few days away from dressing up and scaring away the bad spirits. For the herbivores, holidays are a perfect excuse to go crazy in the kitchen and experiment with […]