Leftover Quinoa Indian Pilaf

It’s amazing how quickly the zero waste and plastic free culture has grown within the last few months. Zero waste is a lifestyle that I strive towards and seeing our society taking that challenge by its horns is really beautiful to see. The demand for plastic free produce is growing because of individuals group effort; […]
Vegan 100 Cookbook Review & Chickpea Pizza Recipe

Avant Garde Vegan is one of my favourite Vegan Food Bloggers around at the moment. Gaz Oakley, who is the face of Avant Garde Vegan, creates the most beautiful food I have ever seen – so if you haven’t heard of him, here’s a great place to start. Gaz has taken the nation by storm […]
How To: Pretzel Buns

Beautifully fluffy white bread on the inside, crunchy & crusty outside, sprinkled with the much needed coarse sea salt. That’s my favourite kind of bun summed up in a sentence. Pretzel buns aren’t so much of a big thing in the UK in comparison to places like the US, which is pretty sad on my […]
How To: Coconut Bacon

Fed up with “But Bacon?” comment when someone finds out you’re vegan? Or perhaps Facon isn’t doing it for you anymore? Maybe this recipe is for you! Bacon seems to be the big thing for anyone trying to give up meat. But if you narrow down the actual tastes of bacon, it’s essentially just the salt […]
How to: Raw Chia Jam

Chia seeds are one of the strangest ingredients in my vast pantry. If you haven’t used them before, they can be added to any form of liquid to create a gelatinous texture, spawning the chia egg, chia jam, chia pudding, the list goes on. Today we’ve used them for jam! Traditional jam is jam packed with sugar and will […]
How to: Simple Healthy Granola

As I said before in our 3 Ways to Breakfast Oats post, I eat a ton of oats. Since they’re so good for you, I don’t feel at all guilty about this. However, I can’t say the same for shop brought granola. Most ordinary granolas are packed with sugar, which is not the best way […]