Green Goddess Pesto Burger

What is it about burgers that are just so god damn pleasurable? You just cant beat a big crusty bun filled with flavoursome sauces and a fat ass plant based patty. Yes, vegan burgers are where it’s at nowadays! The market is saturated with vegan burger joints, which goes to show, the vegans (and non […]
Rainbow Superfood Nut Milks

This post is sponsored by Vitamix. Let’s just admire how beautiful these rainbow superfood nut milks look. I’m a pastel kind of lady, so this is as aesthetically pleasing as it gets from me. Since unicorn-themed food has become so popular over the last few months, I used this as an excuse to play around […]
Dairy-less Dunkers

As promised, another lunchbox recipe. Since it’s back to school for many tomorrow, I suspect that the lunches are being packed tonight! You know, it’s not all about the sandwiches. More often than not, it’s the snacks that get me excited for lunchtime. What about you? Snacks are my “healthy eating” downfall; whether it’s sweet or […]
Beetroot & Black Bean Bite Wraps

She’s back! Hello again and hello 2018. You’ll be glad to know, I’m back doing my thang in the kitchen with prospects to bring you bigger and better things. Since veganism is growing at such a pace, I’ve got to keep up! With the growing vegan community or people dabbling with plant-based, The Hungry Herbivores […]
Blueberry & Lime Slushy

As a kid, I was obsessed with Slush Puppies. That vibrant blue, artificially sweet cup of ice was a highlight in my eyes and a definite spike in my energy levels. However, parents should know by now that feeding your kids a load of E numbers isn’t the way forward, so why not try a […]
“Cheesy” Potato Croquettes

I’m not sure why deep fried, crispy potatoes are so appetising, but they truly are. Potatoes are the king of savoury. They’re vegan, versatile and can be made into glorious foods like these potato tots. I can’t decide whether my cheesy potato croquettes are a fancy tapas dish or more like a side you’d feed […]