Beetroot & Black Bean Bite Wraps

She’s back! Hello again and hello 2018. You’ll be glad to know, I’m back doing my thang in the kitchen with prospects to bring you bigger and better things. Since veganism is growing at such a pace, I’ve got to keep up! With the growing vegan community or people dabbling with plant-based, The Hungry Herbivores […]
Back to School Sandwiches

The summer holidays are coming to a close. School is drawing very near. For me, it was the worst time of the year, since I seriously hated school. Every Sunday throughout school I would dread Monday, so you can imagine how much I hated the long summer break coming to a close. Of course I […]
Tofu & Coconut Bacon Caesar Sub

It’s been a while since the last Herbivores sandwich/burger recipe, so this tofu and coconut bacon caesar sub is way overdue. With this recipe I’ve tried to balance out the perfect filling to bread ratio, because who wants to be chewing on a dry baguette with hardly any filling!? This recipe has brought together the […]
3 Ways to Breakfast Oats

Me & Dillon consume so many oats it’s kind of ridiculous. Who can blame us when they’re just so god damn versatile. Dillon has just created A Guide To Oats on our nutrition page, make sure you check it out as there are tonnes of tips and nutritional facts about these magical grains. Our food guides on […]