Raw Pistachio & Pomegranate Terrine

Raw cake has always held a special place in my heart. Controversial, but i’d always pick raw over the traditional sponge. The depth in flavour and the gorgeous texture makes raw cake that is so unique, distancing itself far from the conventional baked stuff! If you’re familiar with raw food, you’ll know that this type […]
Green Goddess Pesto Burger

What is it about burgers that are just so god damn pleasurable? You just cant beat a big crusty bun filled with flavoursome sauces and a fat ass plant based patty. Yes, vegan burgers are where it’s at nowadays! The market is saturated with vegan burger joints, which goes to show, the vegans (and non […]
Leftover Quinoa Indian Pilaf

It’s amazing how quickly the zero waste and plastic free culture has grown within the last few months. Zero waste is a lifestyle that I strive towards and seeing our society taking that challenge by its horns is really beautiful to see. The demand for plastic free produce is growing because of individuals group effort; […]
Mexican Mango & Black Bean Salad

Two salads in one month? You can tell I’m attempting to be a little healthier this February, or at least balance out the cake binges with something a little more pure and wholesome. Perhaps your body is pining out to be filled with nutritious salad after pancake day towers and Valentines sweet treats? Mine is! […]
Homemade Coconut Milk (& Package free living)

I’m so pleased to see a true awareness of plastic waste immerging and more importantly, peoples actions towards being more eco friendly and reducing the amount of unnecessary plastics there are using. Along with many other, I’m slowly taking steps towards a zero waste kitchen. Changes are being made to The Hungry Herbivores kitchen little […]
Japanese Pink Grapefruit & Fennel Salad

Salad is underappreciated. By me too, more often than not. The Hungry Herbivores has vowed not to adhere to the stereotypical boring, salad-leaf vegan diet, meaning that any salad recipe posted on here HAS to delicious. Salads can be mind blowing with their flavour, with the right ingredients they can challenge any tasty vegan burger […]
Sage, Onion and White Bean Soup

I’ve become the soup queen. This bloody freezing weather has consequently forced me to find my winter love. Best thing about my winter love is that it has the capacity to keep me perfectly content through the winter season, both with its warming qualities and the diversity. With so many plant-based ingredients at our disposal, […]
Caramel Sticky Figgy Pudding

Figs are a little like marmite, I think. People seem to love them or hate them. Since I have made a figgy cake for this weeks recipe, I guess you can all draw the conclusion that I love them. Whenever I find them in the shops and fruit markets, I get a bit excited. However, […]
Chocolate Crunchy Peanut Butter Cookies

I have always been and always will be a massive cookie monster. Not in size, i’m more on the slim side, but you wouldn’t guess that if you saw the quantity of cookies I can munch down in one sitting. Tea and biscuits, the traditional English afternoon treat, is my all time favourite thing to […]
Artichoke Fritters w/ Dill Mayo

I still can’t decided whether Artichokes are my favourite ingredient of all time, but they’re pretty close to the top regardless. Their natural texture is to die for. If you adore artichokes, you’re going to love this recipe. It’s a super easy and quick appetizer to serve up with a meal. Ok, it is deep […]