Back to School Sandwiches

The summer holidays are coming to a close. School is drawing very near. For me, it was the worst time of the year, since I seriously hated school. Every Sunday throughout school I would dread Monday, so you can imagine how much I hated the long summer break coming to a close. Of course I […]
Three Mushroom & Thyme Chickpea Pancake

I have encountered too many people who don’t like mushrooms. I hope you’re not one of them (I guess that’s unlikely if you’ve clicked on this recipe!) I love everything mushroom – shitake, chestnut, portobello, oyster, magic. This is not a “happy” chickpea pancake i’m afraid, just shitake, enoki and maitake. Of course if you […]
Macadamia and White Chocolate Cookies

kMacadamias are a treat in The Hungry Herbivores kitchen. In fact bought my macadamias because they were discounted (I can’t resist a red label.) If you’re in my boat too, then I suggest you treat yourself with these gorgeous macadamia and white chocolate cookies, that are entirely vegan!! Macadamias are extremely creamy and rich, making […]
Grilled Asparagus Quinoa Risotto

Now, I hope you’re not turning your nose up at quinoa. It holds a stigma of being one of those boring, health foods, which can be true if you’re cooking it well. However, this quinoa risotto is far from boring. The crunchy quinoa is combined with grilled garlicy asparagus and creamy dill butter, melts heavenly […]
How To: Coconut Bacon

Fed up with “But Bacon?” comment when someone finds out you’re vegan? Or perhaps Facon isn’t doing it for you anymore? Maybe this recipe is for you! Bacon seems to be the big thing for anyone trying to give up meat. But if you narrow down the actual tastes of bacon, it’s essentially just the salt […]
How to: Raw Chia Jam

Chia seeds are one of the strangest ingredients in my vast pantry. If you haven’t used them before, they can be added to any form of liquid to create a gelatinous texture, spawning the chia egg, chia jam, chia pudding, the list goes on. Today we’ve used them for jam! Traditional jam is jam packed with sugar and will […]
Mug Cake: White Chocolate + Raspberry

Dillon is very much into being vegan on a budget (as well as minimal effort & time.) It’s fair to say a lot of busy people out there are into that too! I’m the unusual one and prefers to get home from a busy day and start chopping, sautéing, baking, frying before I start eating. […]
3 Ways to Breakfast Oats

Me & Dillon consume so many oats it’s kind of ridiculous. Who can blame us when they’re just so god damn versatile. Dillon has just created A Guide To Oats on our nutrition page, make sure you check it out as there are tonnes of tips and nutritional facts about these magical grains. Our food guides on […]
Guide to Oats

[twocol_one] ALL OATS ARE GLUTEN FREE! Sort of. What I mean is that ‘non contaminated’ oats are 100 gluten-free. The reason you get gluten-free and non-gluten free oats is because the majority of commercial oats are made in a vicinity that also handle other grains such as wheat, rye and barley. Oat Nutrition? Just 1 […]
Salted Tahini Caramel Slice

Tahini is the food of gods. It is sesame paste, which is beautiful for a sweet or savoury dish. Like other nut butters, it is beautifully creamy and the perfect consistency for Vegan caramel making! Sesame Paste has so many health benefits that you should be adding to your diet, even if is in […]