Best of 2017

Another year gone already. It’s been a crazy one. Although not half as many of my favourite public figures died this year as oppose to last (David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Prince,) the world has begun to look much more scary. What helps me through the scary thoughts of my future is food! Genuinely! The thought […]
How To: Use Up Raw Pumpkin Seeds

Ready for a super simple recipe that is essentially, almost free? We’re talking a zero-waste living recipe! It seems like the world has finally woken up and started to make changes about how we living , since our bad habit of waste is drastically affecting the world. New things are immerging each day, with zero-waste […]
Gluten-free Banana Bread

The idea of banana bread makes me salivate. It is food fit for gods. But what if that god had a gluten intolerance? What if the goddess has vowed no to consume any animal products? Fear not holy beings, I have just the thing. Here at The Hungry Herbivores, I try not to exclude anyone […]
Coconut-Crusted Fishless Goujons

Fish made from plants? Amazing right?! There are plenty of mock meats nowadays, however mock fish seems to be a rarity on the shop shelves. Since fish is such a unique texture and flavour, it’s a hard one to mimic, but I love a challenge! This time around I have used Heart of Palm, an […]
“Cheesy” Potato Croquettes

I’m not sure why deep fried, crispy potatoes are so appetising, but they truly are. Potatoes are the king of savoury. They’re vegan, versatile and can be made into glorious foods like these potato tots. I can’t decide whether my cheesy potato croquettes are a fancy tapas dish or more like a side you’d feed […]
Raisin Irish Soda Bread

Plenty of green, shamrock recipes about, which can only mean one thing.. St Patricks day is round the corner. How could I possible miss this opportunity do make a holiday themed recipe! This time around it’s the traditional Irish Soda Bread VEGANIZED! Traditional soda bread is made with butter and buttermilk, but this is so […]
Asian Crispy Tofu Burrito

English traditional cuisine is pretty damn awful, not to mention not at all vegan friendly. English traditionally have stolen and adapted cuisines & foods from foreign lands, along with violently conquering them and claiming them as our kingdom. On a lot less extremist, violent note, The Hungry Herbs have taken inspiration from the quick and simple […]
Peanut Butter Truffles

Another Christmas recipe! I hope you’re not sick of them yet because there are more to come. What is Christmas without food anyway? The traditional Christian church celebration I guess… I pick food. We are big peanut butter lovers and are confused at those who aren’t. We’ve created a truffle recipe that likeminded people can […]
Festive French Toast Casserole

French toast, eggy bread, gypsy toast, whatever you want to call it. This simple breakfast dish has always been my favourite. Being someone who hates eggs and has never liked milk since a baby, I was pretty much set up for being a dedicated vegan. Yet, French toast is my weakness. Many a time I […]
Vegan Mock Tuna Fish

Mock meats are around everywhere these days, yet I rarely see fish substitutes in the shops. Of course it’s around, but it seems that fish is the hardest flavour and texture to replicate. We’ve found that chickpeas really are the best at creating the flaky texture of fish. I’m not going to lie to you […]