Southsea Coffee: Food Adventures with Amor

Readers of The Hungry Herbivores, meet my Mediterranean sunshine lady, Amor. She has become a key part of my day-to-day life, therefore it seemed fit to combine our love food into a subsection of The Hungry Herbivores vegan food blog! This gorgeous Spanish angel is a fellow co-operative member at Wild Thyme Wholefoods; we like […]
Wild Food Cafe | London

Like every other Western capital, London is filled with vegan eateries. In fact, even big cities in the likes of Asia are filled with amazing vegan restaurants! Sometimes it’s impossible to pick just one out of this massive selection of incredible, mouth-watering menus. Sometimes is better to just book a hotel so you can fill […]
Alpro Dairy-free Icecream Review

Tried the new Alpro Ice creams yet? Alpro, the vegan brand that just keep givin’. They’ve presented the sweet-toothed vegans and dairy-free’s with some more creamy delights. Competing again our favourite Swedish Glace and Coconut Collaborative Ice Cream, we have the three flavours of Alpro ice-cream: Vanilla – Soy based Hazelnut Chocolate – Hazelnut based Coconut – Coconut Based […]